The 4th Annual Trivia Night hosted by the Amboy FFA Alumni comes to the Amboy Community Building, March 1. Doors open at 5:30 p.m. Trivia begins at 6:30 p.m.
Eight rounds of questions following the theme “Trivia by the Numbers” will cover a variety of topics including food, animals, history, and pop culture. Prizes will be given for High Team Score, Low Team Score, Best Team Name and Best Dressed Team.
Family Style Chicken including potato, spaghetti and salad is included with team registration. A cash bar, dessert auction and other opportunities to support FFA will be available. Amboy FFA members will be helping at the event and accepting bribes for the correct answers.
Trivia Night benefits Amboy FFA Alumni and their efforts to support Amboy FFA members through scholarships to conferences and conventions as well as attendance at colleges and trade schools. Funds raised support scholarships to graduating seniors and Amboy FFA Alumni pursuing a post-secondary education.
Last year, funds raised purchased eight new welders for the Amboy High School agriculture department.
Team registration for up to eight players is $250.00. Online registration and sponsorship declaration can be found at Event Sponsors include $150.00 to sponsor one round of questions or $400.00 to sponsor the event.
For more information, call Katie Pratt, Amboy FFA Alumni secretary at (815) 719-0405.